
So here I am, updating not on time. I’m so glad the rest of my wonderful team are very active because you guys deserve it! I appreciate your patience with mine.

My love for this trail grows daily. My love for my trail family is boundless. Every face you see on this trail are grateful for life. These people live day to day and moment to moment, however excruciating or joyful. It is a mindset to be respected. A free flowing energy of humans and wildlife alike marching up the trail in unison. I realize im much happier here in this state of mind, this state of being. Without my dog Rosie I wouldn’t be able to be myself in “real life”. I wouldn’t be happy without her. This hike marked a change in my life and although I know I eventually have to return, I have set it in my mind to pursue happiness over all, and of course without hurting anyone in the process. These are the things I process while out here, deep in the woods. The depression I’ve kept to myself is something I have to deal with, in my own way. We all hike for different reasons but I certainly hike for the freedom and mental relief it brings me. I want that for everyone. We all deserve it.

So since I last updated I was likely in Tehachapi, so I am now just past Forrester in the Sierras at Kearsarge Pass. It is….amazing. The portal you walk into from desert region to alpine is unbelievable. My face shifts from utter pain from climbing to joyous expression at the turn of a ridge. I have never seen views that literally take my breath away. I say this a lot but I am continually humbled by this trail and everything it does for me. Prior to this section is a beautiful desert, however tired of it i was when I hit Kennedy Meadows. The drought took some of that beauty away from the desert, but I still fell in love with the colors that contrasted the driest regions. Life still found itself yearning to be seen. Thank you to this trail and all its beauty.

Keep up with more of Puffy’s adventures on ,Instagram and ,TikTok!