by Z_Mountains | May 13, 2020 | From The Trail
“I realized pretty early on in my thru-hike journey that a sure way to learn what worked well for me was, unfortunately, to mess things up first. Since passing San Jacinto Peak, I’d been hearing more and more of my fellow hikers tell stories of putting in big...
by Z_Mountains | May 13, 2020 | From The Trail
“This picture was taken while I was hiking the PCT (mile 2,409.4) and was one of the most beautiful stretches on trail. The feeling of the wind whipping through my hair while looking at this view from the top of the climb was extremely invigorating. I will never...
by Z_Mountains | May 5, 2020 | Trail Tips
Hiking a long trail is no cakewalk, but there are definitely ways to help make sure you stick with it. How to make it through tough days on trail? Here are a couple of things to keep in mind: KNOW YOUR WHY Be clear on WHY you are hiking. Is it to honor a loved one? To...
by Z_Mountains | May 5, 2020 | Trail Tips
Before heading out on a thru-hike, many questions pop up on how best to prepare. Where do I store my food? How do I filter water? How do I get from point A to point B? What is the best gear to buy? Here at THRU-r, we’ve had these questions ourselves and have...