Pacific Crest Trail Q&A Session

This online community meetup will unite both new and experienced long-distance hikers - where new hikers can ask experienced hikers all of their burning questions before hitting the Pacific Crest Trail! This format will be an informal open discussion Q&A. Topics can include gear, tips, strategy, resupply, food, and much more.

Common Injury Prevention With Lee Welton

This online community meetup will feature thru-hiker and personal trainer/physical therapist assistant, Lee Welton of Trailside Fitness! During this informative meetup, Lee will go over techniques to deal with aches & pains, recovery routines, overuse injury reduction, and more – specifically for long-distance hikers. We will be referencing the latest Halfway Anywhere Survey for 2023 […]

Fun & Safe Thru-Hiking For The Long Game – Part 1

This online community meetup will feature thru-hiker, Wilderness Skills Instructor, and Mountain Education Inc. founder Ned Tibbits. This meetup is the first in a two part series: 1/26 – Part 1: Reasons why thru-hikers get off trail mid hike and/or before they are ready. 1/27 – Part 2: Solutions to have staying power on trail. […]

Fun & Safe Thru-Hiking For The Long Game – Part 2

This online community meetup will feature thru-hiker, Wilderness Skills Instructor, and Mountain Education Inc. founder Ned Tibbits. This meetup is the second in a two part series: 1/26 – Part 1: Reasons why thru-hikers get off trail mid hike and/or before they are ready. 1/27 – Part 2: Solutions to have staying power on trail. […]

How To Organize Your Pack

How to organize your pack to prepare for a long-distance hike? We’re here to help! In this online meetup, THRU-r Ambassador and PCT/CDT hiker – Just Mike – will go over the ins and outs of efficient and organized packing for your trek. There will also be a Q&A section at the end. Register Here, […]

Exploring Post Trail Depression Series

Join us for an open discussion via Zoom about Post Trail Depression (PTD) – where we will be discussing key ideas with Clinical Psychologist and PCT thru-hiker Hannah “Voldy” Shaw and host Carol “Cheer” Coyne in a monthly series. Here, we will deep-dive into 3-5 pointed questions that will lead us to more understanding about […]

Appalachian Trail Q&A Session

This online community meetup will unite both new and experienced long-distance hikers - where new hikers can ask experienced hikers all of their burning questions before hitting the Appalachian Trail! This format will be an informal open discussion Q&A. Topics can include gear, tips, strategy, resupply, food, and much more.

February Hiker Happy Hour

Let's talk trail! Join fellow long-distance hikers and hiker hopefuls for this fun and unstructured online meetup. Bring any questions you may have, insights, advice, a little humor – and pour a cold one if you choose!

Continental Divide Trail Q&A Session

This online community meetup will unite both new and experienced long-distance hikers - where new hikers can ask experienced hikers all of their burning questions before hitting the Continental Divide Trail! This format will be an informal open discussion Q&A. Topics can include gear, tips, strategy, resupply, food, and much more.

Trail Photography Round-Table

Join fellow long-distance hikers in this Trail Photography Round-Table meetup to discuss trail photography in an open forum! Some discussion points could cover: What camera do you carry on a long hike? How much does your equipment weigh and is it worth the carry?  What upload platforms do you use on trail or in town? […]

March Hiker Happy Hour

Ready for some trail talk? Join fellow long-distance hikers and hiker hopefuls for this fun and unstructured online meetup. Bring any questions you may have, insights, advice, a little humor – and pour a cold one if you choose!

Exploring Post Trail Depression Series

Join us for an open discussion via Zoom about Post Trail Depression (PTD) – where we will be discussing key ideas with Clinical Psychologist and PCT thru-hiker Hannah “Voldy” Shaw […]